Your generosity in giving empowers us to chase God-sized dreams.

Giving at All Peoples can be done easily through one of the three options below. We are amazed as God continues to expand our ministry opportunities in San Diego and around the world! Your financial partnership is extremely important as our church is reaching more people than ever before.

Whether you are tithing the ten percent of your income, giving to a specific worker on a team/staff, or sowing into The Light Project, you can find the path forward via the buttons below. 


Ways to Give

  • Church Giving

    Tithes & donations to fund our staff, operations & ongoing ministry

  • All Peoples Relief

    Give now to help those impacted by disaster.

  • Facility Fund

    Donations and special gifts to meet our current facility needs.

  • Light Project

    Special gifts to our long term building fund on 5555 College Ave.

  • Global Workers

    Partner with our global workers, pastoral travel and church plants.

Common Giving Questions

  • We believe that the Bible teaches to honor the Lord with the first fruits of your income and resources (Proverbs 3, Malachi 3). This looks like setting aside a tithe, or portion of your income each month (10%), as a reminder that all you have is from God. We’ve seen God do some amazing things in people’s lives as they’ve sought to honor Him with their finances!

  • The biggest need for All Peoples Church is recurring giving. Signing up as a recurring giver through our online giving service allows the church to plan ahead and increase ministry activity as the budget grows.

  • First and foremost, we seek to honor the Lord with His resources. This looks like healthy stewardship principles and also staying out of operating debt. Every year, our budget is approved by our board of oversight andour books are reviewed by an outside public accounting firm that specializes in church work, Capin Crouse. 20% of our budget goes to church planting, 50% to local staff and ministry needs, and 30% to our operating and administrative overhead.

  • Yes. Our comptroller, Blair ( can help you facilitate crypto gifts.

  • Yes. Our comptroller, Blair ( can help you facilitate non-cash gifts such as real estate, stock, etc.

  • Designated gifts are kept in an independent account to ensure they will be used for the gift's intended purpose.